Research Impact

HSLS Live Classes

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HSLS Self-Paced Learning

Open Scholarship and Research Impact Challenge

This asynchronous course is the result of a collaboration between HSLS and the University Library System. It includes a wide range of learning opportunities and activities that will give you the practical tools to make your research more accessible and impactful, more reproducible, more connected to the public welfare, and more in line with your personal values.

This course is for anyone at the University of Pittsburgh who creates scholarly works, including publications, data, protocols, etc. Whether you're just beginning your academic journey or are an experienced researcher, there is something here for you to learn! Note that you will need to use your Pitt login to access the Impact Challenge.

This course contains six modules. You can complete any that are of interest to you, in any order:

  • Publishing Open Access 
  • Sharing Scholarship 
  • Sharing Data and Code  
  • Sharing Scholarship Best Practices 
  • Optimizing Your ORCiD Profile 
  • Communicating Scholarly Impact 

External co-instructor: Aimee Jenkins, ULS

Format: Learning module with activities
Level: Novice
Upon completing this class you should be able to:
  • Describe how open scholarship benefits authors, the scientific community, and the public.
  • Identify where to share your scholarly works and upload them using best practices.
  • Manage your scholarly works with ORCiD.
  • Communicate your work's impact to different audiences using various relevant indicators and tools.