Identifying and Combating Health Misinformation

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Identifying and Combating Health Misinformation

Event Details

Time: to
Mode: Zoom
Location: Online, Online - synchronous
Instructor: Rachel Suppok
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Health misinformation is a widespread problem, with false or misleading information about both longstanding health concerns and emergent situations spreading rapidly. Sometimes questionable health information is obvious, but it can also be difficult to recognize and can potentially reach millions of people. This class will discuss strategies for identifying health misinformation and contextually appropriate methods for addressing it.

Upon completing this class, you should be able to:
  • Define health misinformation and its subtypes.
  • Describe why health misinformation spreads so readily online.
  • Evaluate information sources to identify likely examples of health misinformation.
  • Implement a communication strategy for combating health misinformation.
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See more learning options on this topic: Addressing Health Misinformation