Introduction to LabArchives Scheduler

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Introduction to LabArchives Scheduler

Event Details

Time: to
Mode: Zoom
Location: Online, Online - synchronous
Instructor: LabArchives

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LabArchives Scheduler is a calendar and scheduling service for the management and scheduling of resources, from desks to lab space or from microscopes to flow cytometers. If you have a resource that you need to manage access to, Scheduler provides an easy and customizable solution for your team. Join us to learn how you can use Scheduler to upload resources, set reservation rules, invite users, and begin making reservations.

Upon completing this class, you should be able to:
  • Create a reservation.
  • Add and manage resources.
  • Invite users to your scheduler organization.
  • Use report features to track bookings and resource use.
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See more learning options on this topic: LabArchives: Electronic Research Notebooks, Inventory, and Scheduler