Wikipedia for Health Professionals

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Do you use Wikipedia for health information, even though you feel like you shouldn’t? Have you ever wondered if you could recommend it to a patient? Despite widespread skepticism of its value, studies have shown that the quality of information on Wikipedia is similar to other encyclopedias. In this session, you will learn about how Wikipedia’s biomedical content is created and how to evaluate and use it effectively for yourself and your patients.

Upon completing this class, you should be able to:
  • Describe Wikipedia’s strengths and weaknesses as an information resource.
  • Describe the standards that guide the creation of biomedical content on Wikipedia.
  • Evaluate a Wikipedia health article for completeness and reliability.
  • Evaluate a Wikipedia health article for suitability as a patient information resource.
Recording status
This class will not be recorded.
Class Materials
Class materials will be shared with attendees.
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