CaSNP -- Cancer SNP Database

What you can do:
Find information about copy number alterations from SNP data.
  • CaSNP is a database for storing and interrogating quantitative CNA data, with curated ∼11,500 SNP arrays on 34 different cancer types in 104 studies.
  • With a user input of region or gene of interest, CaSNP will return the CNA information summarizing the frequencies of gain/loss and averaged copy number for each study, and provide links to download the data or visualize it in UCSC Genome Browser.
  • It also displays the heatmap showing copy numbers estimated at each SNP marker around the query region across all studies for a more comprehensive visualization.
  • cancer genes
  • cancer SNP
  • CNA
  • copy number alteration
This record last updated: 06-14-2011
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